
Unites motives & potential Uncovers common purpose Unlocks socio-tech complexity Umodels co-creative dialogues .... for best-fit joint solutions !

  1. After the successful launch of the scientific and educational book Open Design Systems by A.R.M. (Rogier) Wolfert, a new Dutch-language book will be released in which the Odesys methodology will be introduced in an accessible form for a wide audience (see below). It’s about the art of complex decision-making – a plea for a Preferendum with Odesys at the middle. The book Open Design Systems by A.R.M. (Rogier) Wolfert can be retrieved as Open Access E-book (also available as a printed book via Odesys): https://ebooks.iospress.nl/volume/open-design-systems.
  2. A new multi-objective mitigation controller is available: the MICO ( so to speak, a redveloped and fully revised ‘MitC 2.0’). This Dynamic Project Management tool makes it possible to generate a best planning and mitigation strategy in all project phases from the perspective of multiple (shared) objectives and or stakeholder interests. This ‘preference-based’ decision tool can also be used in the tender phase to optimally design the project planning from a multi-stakeholder perspective. For more info see: https://github.com/Boskalis-python/MICO.
  3. From the beginning of this year, ODESYS cv has been associated with the Sleipnir Foundation (ANBI) https://sleipnir.nl. Ownership has been neutralised, i.e. ODESYS is not privately owned but ‘its own’. This also signalled that the ODESYS products are open publicly accessible under MIT licencse or equivalent CCs. In short, the ODESYS cv is going to do entrepreneurship differently together.
  4. A new Best Fit for Common Life Cycle Value (LCV) workshop 1Why is sustainability always the closing item of a construction project? And, why is it that sustainability does not gain its entry into the design and decision process from intrinsic motivation, but mostly from contrived regulations? This is because current design and construction management methodologies are not open and one-sided and thus do not include the motive of and the life-cycle value (LCV) for stakeholders in the sustainability decision support modelling. The tools available for this purpose mostly lack a design-thinking and system-oriented approach and are often based only on life-cycle assessment (LCA) information and performance models. This results in sustainability decisions that can be ‘straightened out’ a posteriori to an acceptable compromised result, but which certainly do not establish that this is the maximum achievable synthesis value balancing the different stakeholder interests. Therefore, a value-driven multi-objective optimisation approach is needed to arrive at a priori best fit for common purpose configurations that both reflects stakeholders’ sustainability interests and engineering assets’ life-cycle performances. However, contemporary multi-objective design optimisation methods have a number of shortcomings1 : e.g., 1) no integration of socio-technical functions 2) Pareto front based with its ambiguous use; 3) incorrect mathematical way of aggregating different objectives (mostly monetised meaning not purely value-oriented). In this workshop/course we will provide an appropriate response for the aforementioned issues by the introduction of a state-of-the art open design systems methodology (named Odesys). Odesys integrates preference function modeling and design performance optimization and enables stakeholders to find the group-optimal life-cycle value for a best fit service life design. The methodology is based on a new multi-objective design optimisation method called IMAP (Integrative Maximisation of Aggregated Preferences), and its added value will be demonstrated by comparing the results with both single objective design outcomes and with the design results obtained by the classical min-max method. Odesys and IMAP have been operationalised is an open source and Python based software package called Preferendus. In the workshop/course, a Preferendus demo will be given and participants will be given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with this tool. Finally, participants will perform an open design learning (ODL) based LCV exercise themselves using the Preferendus. . Education on an Open Design Systems Methodology for Optimizing Service Life Design integrating systems life-cycle preference- (stakeholders – objectives/weights ) and performance functions (engineering assets – LCA behavior).

  1. ODESYS advises, facilitates and teaches the Open Design Systems (‘Odesys-ODS’) philosophy, promoting solutions to complex planning issues. In particular, Odesys supports participatory decision-making and multi-stakeholder collaboration processes using Odesys methods and ODS design & decision systems (Creative Common software). As a connecting and unifying mediator, Odesys goes for maximum synthesis, delivering a best-fit from common interests within a specific scope. From this associative and integrative strength, Odesys works with common sense to each other’s common purpose and transforms impossibilities into healthy and well-supported solutions. Odesys provides organisational & management advice as well as training and educational programmes, following the Open Design Learning (ODL’) concept, which was developed by ODESYS itself.
  2. ODESYS has years of project and asset management experience within the infrastructure sector (transport, water management, energy, telecoms) and the built environment (real-estate). By placing ODESYS at the centre as a problem solver, stalled projects can be opened up through associative and integrative negotiation. The ODESYS tools make it possible to act as a ‘dzeta mediator’ in such situations which can optimally bring together (social) motives and (technical) possibilities arriving at a best feasible preferred variant. ODESYS has also been active for years in ‘learning & development’ ranging from university BSc/MSc and PhD education to conducting R&D projects. ODESYS is an experienced educator and uses the ODL educational concept, which can also be applied independently of the ODESYS methodology in different types of education.

U-niting and opening ‘inner’ human motives & ‘outer’ assets potential

Odesys stands for Open Design Systems

Here, Design has the meaning in the broadest sense of the word, of devising and developing creative solutions to a wide range of problems (and therefore not the narrow definition of buildings designer). Systems are therefore not limited to just physical systems (“engineering systems”), but are also organizational or planning systems (“management systems”). Odesys follows a system-oriented and model-based approach in which the eco-system in the outside world (‘system-of-interest’) and the ego-system in the inner world of man are integrated. In other words, Odesys aims in its approach to unite the properties of object (capability: technical) and subject (desirability: social). This results in a best feasible fit for common purpose solution balancing what the object can (behavior) and what the subject wants (motif). Odesys follows the main principles of the Open System theory2The open systems that we know of are systems that allow interactions between their internal elements and the environment. An open system is defined as a “system in exchange of matter with its environment, presenting import and export, building-up and breaking-down of its material components. Closed systems, on the other hand, are held to be isolated from their environment. Equilibrium thermodynamics, for example, is a field of study that applies to closed systems. The idea of open systems was further developed in systems theory. Here, systems theory is the interdisciplinary study of systems, i.e. cohesive groups of interrelated, interdependent parts that can be natural or human-made. Every system is bounded by space and time, influenced by its environment, defined by its structure and purpose, and expressed through its functioning. A system may be more than the sum of its parts if it expresses synergy or emergent behavior. using (mathematical) Odesys U-modelling. Through this eco-ego synthesis, Odesys creates added value in its environment with Open Design Dissolutions3Prof. Russell Ackoff called 4 methods of ‘problem solving’ (1) Absolve (2) Resolve (3) Solve (4) Dissolve. His point was that the further you take your problem solving the more likely you will make the problem go away for ever. There is even an extra twist: Absolving and Resolving don’t count as solving the problem. I’m sure you would agree. Solving, though valid, involves current knowledge.  If there is a known solution you shouldn’t have to waste your time on it. As a manager — a paid problem solver — only Dissolving problems is a worthwhile use of your time. Dissolving requires a open and non-conformist manager that is interested and connected to unknown problems and has the ability to develop new knowledge and prospective expertise for a resilient future. as a result. 

Odesys is a problem solving mediator & constructive teacher

Odesys has years of project and asset management experience in the infrastructure sector (transport, water management, energy, telecom) and the built environment (real-estate). By bringing Odesys into the middle as a problem solver, stalled projects can be opened via transparent and associative negotiation. Odesys’ tools allow it to act as a ‘dzeta-mediator’ in such situations, able to both integrate and associate. Odesys has also been active for many years in constructive ‘learning & development’, ranging from higher university education (BSc/MSc & PhD in engineering systems management & design) to secondary school education (incl. Steiner schools).

U-ncovering and generating best-fit for common purpose design solutions

Odesys is a pure “co-designer” for complex decision making, using the Preferendus/ IMAP/ U model as basic tools

Odesys likes to work with organizations that want to put their energy in togetherness, with an open mind and from an open space and creative commons4Collaboration is the sharing of each other’s viewpoints along the axis of the creative common-principles (‘commons’): common purpose (to what, where), common sense (what for, why) common ground (with what, from what). From this common ground, new and future solutions for a specific organisation or grouping (‘community’) can unfold for the benefit of common-wellbeing through synthesis.. As a bonding and unifying mediator, Odesys goes for the maximum synthesis, the best-fit from common interest within reach. From this associative and integrative power, Odesys works with common sense on each other’s common purpose and transforms impossibilities into healthy and (socially) supported solutions.

Odesys connects its problem-solving ability from industry with state-of-the-art R&D knowledge and skills from science 

Odesys works according to the principle of so-called “Creative Commons”5Creative Commons  is devoted to educational access and expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. These Creative Commons are free of charge to the public. and thus provides open access to these systems and (educational) concepts in an open-source manner. Odesys wants to give a “push” to the application of these state-of-the-art developments, and stimulates the potential user to share experiences and take up improvements and/or extensions. Odesys can of course support you and your organization with ‘advice and action’ (A&A) using his products.

U-nlocking socio-tech complexity via systems integration & association

Odesys has played an important role in the development of the following Creative Commons

Odesys can educate & develop your organization using the following concepts and or (software) tools:

  • The Preferendus for solving ‘a-priori multi-stakeholder design/decision making’ in order to achieve ‘best fit for common purpose’ solutions and/or to smoothen stalled decision-making processes (‘confronting conflict’ & ‘getting into yes’);
  • The 3C-Planner for an optimal and integrative asset management plan in which activities are centred, clustered and calculated at a system level in the most efficient and effective way for all asset managers involved (‘multi-system interventions’);
  • The Mitigation Controller (MiCo & MitC) for automatically generating the ‘best fit for common purpose’ set of control measures to make probabilistic adjustments to project plans as efficient and effective as possible;
  • The 3-Folder for diagnosing and improving the socio-eco purpose of an organisation so that it is resilient to the future according to the tripartite principles of man, organisation and society (‘3-division’: economic, ecological and isonomic);
  • The Open Design Learning concept (ODLc ) for creative, constructivist and future-oriented education, in which the pupils/students make an ‘ODL response’ based on an ‘experiential & self-chosen’ learning vehicle.

The above systems and/or concepts are based on scientific peer-reviewed publications6For scientific publications and/or other substantive information, please contact rogier.wolfert@odesys.nl .

For further info, see github.com/TUDelft-Odesys, github.com/Boskalis-python and/or open-design.school.

Odesys follows a constructivistic and codesign approach with their clients

Odesys stimulates the true problem analysis of its customer through its recent incitements and experiences. This open dialogue often leads to a unique design plan or approach in which it’s creative commons is not an end in itself, but a possible means. This approach connects the inner organizational learning ego and the outer real world eco. Odesys cooperates with their clients in a living dialogue in- and on-action. This co-reflective dialogue creates an open space where alternative views can co-exist and new insights can be conceived to dissolve their problems.

U-modelling to support co-creative design & decison dialogues

Odesys designs a common future from a threefold human and world view, using the U-model as starting point:

The starting point of cooperation is the sharing of each other’s viewpoints along the axis of the common-principles7Common(s) : “belonging to all, owned or used jointly, shared by all or many”, from Latin communis “common, general” (adj.) also served as a noun meaning “common property; state, common-wellbeing. Ensuring the optimum solution originating from equal human starting points (equality, fraternity): common purpose (to what, where), common sense (for what, why) common ground (with what, from where). From this common starting point, new and future solutions for a specific organisation or grouping (‘community’) can unfold for the benefit of common-wellbeing through synthesis8Synthesis : “deductive reasoning”, from Latin synthesis “collection, set, suit of clothes, composition (of a medication),” from Greek synthesis “composition, a putting together”. Deriving the optimum solution by integrating different human preferences (freedom).).  

Odesys’ social threefold starting points for man and their living worlds are 1) human: Body-Soul-Spirit (physical, ether, sentience..mind..consciousness, imagination..inspiration..intuition, self) // Empiric-Head-sense / Rhythmic-Heart-lung / Metabolic-Limb-organ 2) living organization : Economic..association-commercial/ Isonomic..equalization-judicial/ Ecologic..free manifestation-cultural.  Last but not least, Odesys considers both the ‘outer’ observations and the ‘inner’ experience as companions on a journey into the emerging future

Odesys is a corruption of the word Odysseus 

Odesys is partly inspired by the stories of Odysseus and three typical expressions/sayings that come from it:

  • An Odysseus ruse, like the Trojan horse‘, meaning a creative way out of a seemingly insoluble problem;
  •  ‘A choice between Scylla and Charybdis‘, meaning how to find/secure the golden mean even in the case where one has to (merely) balance between ‘two evils’;
  • A Cassandra prediction and/or Cassandra information‘, meaning a prophecy of doom that later proves to be correct and in particular based on true relevant information that one should not or does not want to hear.

Odesys likes to share his Odysseus story along his own wanderings: the C-story9Creative Commons, Conscious Critical Commendation Crystalline Cogent Construct Concern Convey Courage Care Curiosity Compile Communicate Combine Compare Compassion…... If you are interested in this please try to connect with us.

ODESYS has co-developed, verified and validated its products with the following partners:

Currently, ODESYS has pilots running with the following organisations: